Talk: Explorations of the Bounty Trough

Join scientists from Te Papa and NIWA as they discuss their history making voyage to The Bounty Trough.

When | Āhea

Thu 18 Jul 2024, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Where | Ki hea

Soundings Theatre, Level 2

Cost | Te utu

Free event, but booking is recommended

In March 2024, Ocean Census, Te Papa and NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) led an expedition to The Bounty Trough, a remote and previously unexplored area of the sea to the east of Te Waipounamu. The trip, lasting 21 days, led to the discovery of over 100 new animal species and a rich collection of data.

Join scientists from Te Papa and NIWA as they discuss the history-making voyage, including life on deck, 12-hour shifts, and what happens when a new species is discovered. 

Kerry (front), Thom (back), and voyage co-leader Alex Rogers retrieve specimens from the end of the beam trawl to be examined. Photo by NIWA/Ocean Census: Rebekah Parsons-King