The Poet's Novel: Romesh Dissanayake and Louise Wallace

Eighth in the series of events highlighting the very latest work of writers active in Wellington and further afield with Romesh Dissanayake and Louise Wallace, with Chris Price.

When | Āhea

Mon 26 Aug 2024, 12.15–1.15pm

Where | Ki hea

Te Huinga Centre, Level 3

Cost | Te utu

Free event

In her incendiary novel AshLouise Wallace tells the story of a woman reckoning with the limits of her life under the patriarchy. 

When I Open the Shop by romesh dissanayake is 'a novel about loss, exile, and dislocation, in which time, space, and memory become a beautiful, fluid thing' (Brannavan Gnanalingam).

These début novelists are also poets who have used formal play to give their narrative an extra gear. They explore the shifting borders between prose and poetry in conversation with Chris Price.

Find out about the other events not at Te Papa.

Louise Wallace. Photo by Ebony Lamb

romesh dissanayake by Nisha Hunter