Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Mihi ki ngā Ringa Waihanga: NgatuCelebrating Makers: Ngatu

Mahi tahi me ngā wāhine o Akomai Heritage ki te mahi ngatu (he aute ki te reo Māori), ki te ako ki ngā pānga o ngā whakarerekētanga me nui o te ora o ngā tikanga ki Aotearoa.


Get hands on and make ngatu (Tongan bark cloth) with the women of Akomai Heritage, and learn about how the process is changing and thriving in Aotearoa.

When | Āhea

6 Feb – 14 Feb 2021

Where | Ki hea

Level 4, Toi Art

Cost | Te utu

Free entry

Sat 6 – Sun 14 Feb

Meet members of Akomai Heritage and see ngatu (Tongan tapa cloth) that they’ve made right here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

As well as displaying ngatu made by members, Akomai Heritage will host three public demonstrations. You are invited to join the grandmothers, mothers and children of Akomai Heritage to learn about making ngatu the Tongan-New Zealand way.

About Akomai Heritage

Akomai Heritage is made up of the Tongan women's fellowship of St. John Uniting Congregations Avalon HCUC Parish. They are based in the Hutt Valley region, and are invested in learning and sharing, ensuring that Tongan knowledge is passed on.

Akomai Heritage are currently engaged in making ngatu, Tongan bark cloth. In the past they have made koloa (cultural treasures) such as kato teu (ceremonial baskets), monomono (ceremonial blankets) and kiekie (waist overskirt worn in formal occasions).

Ngatu painting by a member of Akomai Heritage, 2020. Photo by Vioula Said. Te Papa

Ngatu painting by a member of Akomai Heritage, 2020. Photo by Vioula Said. Te Papa

Ngatu painting by a member of Akomai Heritage, 2020. Photo by Vioula Said. Te Papa

Ngatu painting by a member of Akomai Heritage, 2020. Photo by Vioula Said. Te Papa

Ngatu painting by a member of Akomai Heritage, 2020. Photo by Vioula Said. Te Papa

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