Mataaho Collective: Te Puni Aroaro
Nau mai rā e te iwi e. Rarau mai ki Te Puni Aroaro o Mataaho! Whakakao mai, hau mai ki Te Whare Pora e karanga atu nei. He aho whakapapa, he iho roa. Hoki atu ki te aho tapu o Hine-te-iwaiwa. Whiria he takapau mō te ira tangata e.
Experience the ground-breaking artworks of Mataaho Collective – four wāhine Māori artists who have worked together for the last decade.
These monumental installations evoke the histories of water, light, atua, and wāhine Māori. Industrial materials reflect contemporary Māori experience, and showcase the ever-changing nature of customary textile practices.
Mataaho Collective: Te Puni Aroaro invites you into a space of focus, reflection, and layered narratives.
18 Dec 2022 – 28 Jan 2024
Toi Art, Level 4
Free entry
Wheelchair accessible
One artwork on the floor, without barriers
Floor of main gallery on Level 4 has dappled light, and four lights set into it