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Date set for scientists to examine colossal squid

4 September 2014

Scientists studying invertebrates will have a rare chance to examine a colossal squid, at Te Papa on Tuesday 16 September 2014.

Aspects of the squid’s life cycle are just some of the things they hope to explore when examining its biology, much of which still remains a mystery. Only once before have scientists anywhere had the chance to examine an intact colossal squid; also at Te Papa in 2008.

Now another specimen has come to the surface on a fishing vessel’s toothfish long line in Antarctica during the summer. After realising what they had on the line, the crew of the Sandford vessel brought the squid back to New Zealand, and it is now being kept in optimum conditions in a freezer at Te Papa.

Experts from the Auckland University of Technology’s Institute for Applied Ecology New Zealand will carry out the examination after the thawing process has begun.

Interested media are asked to arrive at Te Papa’s Tory Street facility for 10am to set up, and to gather interviews and images ahead of the examination. These will be available until 11am. Recording and intermittent interviews will also be possible during the examination itself, which is likely to start at 11.30am, subject to the thawing process.

Please note there will be some protocol regarding movement and equipment in the laboratory environment.

For planning purposes, and to register attendance, please contact Cherie McQuilkin.

Media contact

Cherie McQuilkin, Communications Adviser
+64 29 601 0010 or +64 4 381 7071