Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Thanks for the happy memories, Air New Zealand

22 April 2015

A visit to the Air New Zealand exhibition at Te Papa has brought back happy memories of the early days of flying in New Zealand for a 93-year old Linden resident.

Sybil Billington started work with the National Airways Corporation (NAC) in 1953 aged 29, after nursing in England.

She initially worked as a ground hostess at Wellington Airport, meeting passengers on and off the plane. She also worked as a booking officer in NAC's Wellington travel office.

Sybil says the Air New Zealand exhibition is wonderful; and also sentimental.

“Those were my happy years,” she says of her 32-year career with NAC/TEAL/Air New Zealand International.

“There was a certain group of people there then and they were just lovely,.”

Note to editors: Ms Billington is not available for interview.

Media contact

Jenny Bridgen
04 381 7752 or 022 0100 901