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Identification of Seabirds of the Southern Ocean

Author: Sandy Bartle
Illustrator: Derek Onley
Publication date:August 2006
NZ RRP (incl. GST): $34.99
Extent: 81 pp
Format: 230mm x 140mm
Binding: HB
ISBN: 978-0-909010-47-8

Out of print.

In recent years there has been a sharp decline in the populations of several seabird species, particularly albatrosses. The decline has been widely attributed to fishing with longlines. Seabirds feed on longline baits, get hooked, and drown.

This book has been written to help scientific observers identify those seabirds likely to be caught in the Southern Ocean, and takes into account the requirements of the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation. It covers the identification of 36 species of birds from the Southern Ocean that have been caught in fishing gear or have been seen feeding from fishing boats.

By following the keys to identification, observers should be able to identify most seabirds caught in commercial fisheries in the Southern Ocean with confidence.