Activity: Exploring tino rangatiratanga
Discover why rangatira signed Te Tiriti.
To understand the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, many of us need to unlearn what we have been taught to be true. Start with finding out about the place-based history of hapū and iwi in your rohe before Te Tiriti o Waitangi. You might like to look at hapū and iwi histories on Te Ara, or this simple summary from the Waitangi Tribunal, ‘Aotearoa the way it was’. You may be able to access resources at your local museum or online, or draw on existing relationships with hapū and iwi.
You may like to think about:
In 1840, there were near to 100,000 Māori and just 2,000 Pākehā. Gather and arrange 100 toothpicks, leaves, pebbles or similar, and then place two toothpicks, leaves, pebbles or similar beside it. This was the ratio of Māori to Pākehā at the signing of Te Tiriti.
Now organise the 100 items that represent Māori into smaller clusters, of varying sizes, each with rangatira (make these a different colour) to lead them. This now represents hapū and iwi of Aotearoa.
Once you have arranged the items, discuss:
The rangatira who signed Te Tiriti o Waitangi did not voluntarily give up their tino rangatiratanga to a foreign country. This is “culturally incomprehensible”. Mana comes through whakapapa. In a Māori understanding of the world it is not possible to give this mana away.
In February 1840 the rangatira who signed Te Tiriti...did not cede their sovereignty. Rather, they agreed to a relationship in which they and the Governor were to be equal while having different roles and different spheres of influence.
– Waitangi Tribunal, 2014
Like He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni | The Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand, Te Tiriti o Waitangi reaffirmed the pre-existing rights of hapū and iwi to tino rangatiratanga. Watch this short video from He Tohu discussing what tino rangatiratanga means: