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Counting moths, InvercargillTe tatau hīue, Waihōpai Murihiku

Ahi Pepe MothNet is a citizen science project that aims to engage teachers, students, and whānau with moths – and through moths with nature and science. Here, Te Wharekura Arowhenua School show is how it’s done.


Ko Ahi Pepe MothNet tētahi kaupapa pūtaiao ā-rohe. Ko te whāinga nui kia whakapāpā atu ngā kaiako, ngā ākonga me ngā whānau ki ngā pepe, waihoki mā konā, ka whakapā atu rātou ki te taiao me te pūtaiao.

Anei ngā mahi a Te Wharekura o Arowhenua.

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This project is part of Te Taiao | Nature at Te Papa.