Adornment and Identity
Explore identity through adornment – Consider how Vivienne Westwood’s creative activism might inspire students’ exploration of who they are and how they connect to the world.
Visual Arts, Technology, English, Art History, Social Science
Education visit
2 hours
Years 7–13
$6.50 per student (free for teachers and parent helpers)
Includes entry to exhibition
Te Papa kicks off the global tour of Vivienne Westwood & Jewellery – a retrospective exhibition celebrating the iconic jewellery of renowned British fashion house Vivienne Westwood.
As part of this world premiere exhibition, we are offering an updated version of our Learning programme, Adornment and Identity.
Celebrated as one of the most influential fashion designers the 20th and 21st centuries, Westwood is also remembered as a disruptor and activist.
Considering Westwood’s creative activism and bold designs will help inspire students’ own exploration of Te Papa’s collections to create digital and hands on collages expressing personal identity. After visiting the exhibition, in our learning lab, Hīnātore, students will use a range of creative digital tools to express who they are and how they connect to the world.
*Please note that the exhibition contains adult themes, and due to this the learning programme is only suitable for Years 7–13.
School visit, 2018. Te Papa