
Mānawatia a Matariki!

Learning areas and strands

Mātauranga Māori, English, The Arts, Science, Social Studies

Education type

Education visit


1 hour

Suitable for

ECE, Years 1-13


$6.50 per student

Book now

Join our educators for an exploration of the nine whetū of Matariki that mark our new year.

Ākonga will explore Te Papa to discover and learn about taonga that connect to each of the nine stars of Matariki. They’ll be able to share their knowledge and personal experiences, while developing their understanding of the importance of remembrance, celebration, and hope during Matariki.

To reinforce connections with the whetū, handling objects will also be included in the programme, and ākonga will have the opportunity to explore the Te Papa Matariki hub set to open on our marae, Rongomaraeroa.


Our 2024 Matariki Programme has two variations with structures and content to best match the age level of students, so please ensure you are correctly indicating year levels when booking:

Matariki (ECE, Years 1-2)

Based in the Hīnātore learning lab, story-time, and an exploration of hands-on taonga that concludes with a walk to Rongomaraeroa.

Te Tira Haere o Matariki (Primary and Secondary)

A learning trail across Te Papa that explores different areas and taonga of the museum.

These programmes are available in Te Reo Māori or English.

Te Papa learning is also hosting a kaiako evening event for teachers across Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Join us on the 14th of May to develop your Matariki kete! Contact us at for more information.

Matariki Whānau Day, 2022. Photo by Jo Moore. Te Papa (206981)

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