The colossal squid activity book
An activity book to help kids explore the bizarre anatomy of the colossal squid, where it lives, how it came to Te Papa, and what it eats.
Activity book
Ages 10+
Printing tip: Open in Adobe Acrobat and select ‘flip on short edge’, print double-sided and in colour.
The colossal squid activity book A5 (5.38 MB)
Printing tip: Print double-sided and in colour.
The colossal squid activity book A4 (5.66 MB)
The colossal squid activity book, 2019. Te Papa
In this activity book, we will:
imagine a strange creature
match colossal squid body parts
see how big a colossal squid is
compare the colossal squid with other massive molluscs
follow our colossal squid’s journey to Te Papa
learn what eats what in the Southern Ocean.
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