Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Extra links for the extra curious: Who are our ancestors and what are their stories?

Go down amazing wormholes with this curated suite of links.

  • Kiwi doesn’t represent everyone in Aotearoa – “Kiwi as an identifier is mostly used by non-Māori…we're starting to see an increasing number of rangatahi Māori more comfortable in the cultural identity to use Māori as an identifier or their own iwi.”

  • Pepehā for non-Māori – an edited excerpt from Keri Opai’s book Tikanga, in which he explains one way non-Māori can go about a pepeha without misappropriating Māori concepts.

  • Can Pākehā pepehā? – A New Zealand Herald article discussing the growing concerns of non-Māori appropriating the language, and not learning the protocols that come with it.

  • Whakapapa, National Library – This guide has information about whakapapa resources available online from the National Library of New Zealand and elsewhere.

  • Marti Friedlander: The Moko Suite – In the 1970s, Marti Friedlander took photographs of kuia who had received moko around the early years of the 20th century. This series of photos captures the whakapapa and art of moko as well as the lives of kuia. The suite of photographs was gifted to Te Papa in 2009.