Free museum entry for New Zealanders and people living in New Zealand

Hei whakatau

Nau mai haere mai!

Ko koe tēnā ko te mana o te tau, ko koe tēnā ko te pou o te rangi, ko koe tēnā ko te mauri o te ora, tīaho mai e te paki o Matariki.

Kei ngā ihoiho o ngā maunga, whakahemongia ana ngā kaha o tāukiuki, o nāianei anō hoki mō ngā whakatipuranga o āpōpō, tēnei te whakatō i ngā kākano whakamihi ki ō koutou māra kia tupu matomato tonu atu ai.

Waiho mā ngā pou o tēnei whare ngā mātauranga whānui o te iwi e whakatō ki roto e māhorahora ai te kite atu i te pito matā mutunga kore o te ao Māori.

He takenga mōhiohio mai i ngā kōrero tuku iho, ngā mōhiotanga o ngā iwi, me ngā tau o te rangahau.

Nō reira, nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei kaupapa whakarauora kia whai māramatanga ai i ngā tāpaetanga me ngā mātauranga e hora nei.

You are the authority of the season, you are the marker of the sky, you are the essence of wellbeing, shine bright the stars of Matariki.

To the quintessence of long lofty mighty mountains, those who have exhausted efforts in past times and present for the generations of tomorrow, I plant for you the seeds of acknowledgements in your garden to forever flourish.

Let the pillars of this house impart upon you the extensive knowledge of our people and open yourself up to the profound depths and limitless possibilities of our world.

This knowledge is derived from a rich tapestry of intergenerational stories, tribal wisdom, and years of diligent research.

Therefore, welcome and come to this revitalisation platform so that you can grasp the offerings and knowledge that are available.