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Extra links for the extra curious

Go down amazing wormholes with this curated suite of links.

Live broadcast of Matariki 2022 from Te Papa
Hosted by Mātai Smith and Stacey Morrison, watch the live broadcast of Aotearoa’s first Matariki public holiday commemoration.

Brené Brown on Empathy
Watch this beautiful, powerful animation on the power of empathy, rather than sympathy, when someone near to us is sad or hurting.

Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow
Provides mental health and wellbeing support for children in primary school years 1-8 across Canterbury. This page provides many useful links to resources to help with dealing with grief and loss for children.

The Small Creature
Watch this simple and practical animation to support children who are bereaving. In the animation, Small Creature loses his best friend, Bird, and finds himself experiencing all sorts of feelings as he tries to deal with her loss. The friends he encounters along the way give him little ways to deal with those feelings and let him know that help is at hand.

How to teach children about death and grieving
Listen to this RNZ podcast about children and death and ways to navigate it.