Borrowing specimens for researchTe taurewa taonga mō te rangahau
Contact our experts with a request for specimens to use in your research.
Please send your specimen request at least one month before you require the material.
You will need:
a list of the specimens required
a brief description of your research project
details of your organisation, including a contact person
a DNA sampling application form, if required
a letter of support from your supervisor if you are a postgraduate student.
Send your documented request to the relevant curator or collection manager at Te Papa.
Contact us
If you have questions about specimen research loans, contact:
Antony Kusabs, Kaitiaki Taonga Collection Manager
Phone: +64 (0)4 381 7089
Thomas Schultz, Kaitiaki Taonga Collection Manager
Phone: +64 (0)4 381 7364