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Museums Aotearoa and National Services Te Paerangi

Understand how Museums Aotearoa and National Services Te Paerangi work together in support of the cultural, arts and heritage sector.

Museums Aotearoa (MA) and National Services Te Paerangi (NSTP) have different roles, responsibilities and functions in the cultural, arts and heritage sector, but work together across our activities to help the sector thrive.

MA and NSTP have distinct funding structures, guiding documents and management and board structures.

Museums Aotearoa

Museums Aotearoa (MA) is an independent membership organisation for institutions that collect and/or exhibit art, taonga and objects for public good and the benefit of their community. MA also represents and supports the people who work in those institutions, who care for and interpret their unique collections.

Members must agree to abide to MA’s Code of Ethics and policies. Membership – and adhering to MA’s policies – demonstrates a commitment to the profession.

MA is a non-profit incorporated society that operates in accordance with a Constitution and governed by a Board of members who are elected annually from the MA membership. MA is mostly funded by membership fees with additional support from sponsorships and grants.

Find out more about Museums Aotearoa

National Services Te Paerangi

National Services Te Paerangi (NSTP) is a team within the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (Te Papa) that offers a range of practical and strategic programmes to iwi, museums and galleries throughout New Zealand. These programmes recognise that communities hold significant cultural collections and knowledge that contribute to our national identity, and have an important part to play in the ongoing care and protection of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Aotearoa.  

Te Papa is an autonomous Crown entity that operates under the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992. One of the functions described by the Act is ‘to co-operate with and assist other New Zealand museums in establishing a national service, and in providing appropriate support to other institutions and organisations holding objects or collections of national importance’.

As such, the work of NSTP is funded by the Crown and guided by the Te Papa statement of intent, with the intended outcome that: ‘New Zealand and overseas museums and art galleries benefit from access to support, expertise and collections from Te Papa.’

Our work focuses on providing expertise to the cultural sector, through training opportunities, resources, grants, responding to enquiries and face to face assistance.

Find out more about National Services Te Paerangi

How Museums Aotearoa and National Services Te Paerangi work together to support the sector

  • We share combined knowledge of sector needs with each other; and with external agencies and organisations 

  • We strengthen the profession through workforce development, mentoring and leadership training

  • We support training providers to deliver world class museum and gallery qualifications in the Aotearoa New Zealand context 

  • We support the sector to be more resilient in the face of increasing risks 

  • We uphold the Museum Aotearoa Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.

  • We work collaboratively with each other to establish positions and prepare submissions on sector wide issues.

Museums AotearoaTogetherNational Services Te Paerangi
  • Delivers to members
  • Lobbies central government or coordinate submissions to legislative change on behalf of the museum sector, or individual museums
  • Keeper of the Museums Aotearoa Code of Ethics and Professional Practice 
  • Commissions research to demonstrate the value of the sector 
  • Markets the sector to tourism audiences 
  • Operates member-only community platform, Mīharo
  • Creates opportunities for members to connect and form self-motivated groups
  • Support professionalism of the sector
  • Increase knowledge of risk and resilience in the sector
  • Combine our voices to support the sector
  • Accessible by the entire sector
  • Provides a face-to-face sector advisory service
  • Administrates grants to assist with self-determined care of taonga and professional development
  • Organises, delivers and supports professional development, training and workshops for the sector
  • Works directly with iwi and hapū to support care of taonga in communities
  • Produces best practice and operational guides for the sector
  • coordinates the New Zealand Museums Standards Scheme
  • Enables a collective view of collections in Aotearoa on

How can we help you?

 Museums AotearoaNational Services Te Paerangi
Advocacy supportAdvocates for and promotes members to central and local government, tourists and the communities members contribute to.

Contributes to and / or advises on submissions from organisations to local bodies governance groups.

Provides advice to government when requested as part of Crown Entity responsibilities.

Research and information
  • Commissions museum sector research/annual surveys, remuneration surveys and economic research.
  • Provides tools for members to conduct visitor surveys.
  • Provides access to other relevant information that may affect members.

Publishes He Rauemi Resource Guides, as well as other good practice guides and online resources.

Communicates and promotes legislative change.

Information about services

Anyone can sign up to the MA newsletter for news and updates, including job listings and promotion news.

Anyone can sign up to the National Services Te Paerangi newsletter for information about professional development opportunities, resources and other sector updates.

Professional development

Supports PD for members via  member-only digital platform.

Supports development of leadership and governance capability.

Facilitates self-motivated and self-sustaining networks to form and work for the benefit of their profession. 

Enhances and supports best practice and developing practical and strategic skills.

Programmes include the New Zealand Museums Standards Scheme Ngā Kaupapa Whaimana a Ngā Whare Taonga o Aotearoa and targeted training and workshops.

Assesses and supports trainees enrolled in the NZ Certificate of Museum Practice offered via Te Pukenga.

Provides grants that can assist  with costs associated with professional development.

Caring for Collections

Keeper of the Code of Ethics, Repatriation Policy and other guiding policies that are best practice, ethical and culturally aligned

Supports museums, galleries and communities to care for and enhance access to their taonga through targeted programmes, including:

  • Museum and Iwi Development Adviser service
  • access to expertise, and; targeted training and wānanga.

Support, Advice and Expertise

Supports members with:

  • advocacy advice
  • applications for funding
  • submissions to central and local government on issues of significance.

Provides support, advice and expertise for museums, galleries and communities caring for taonga, including:

  • the Museum Development Adviser service
  • assess to grants programmes
  • print and online resources
  • provision of experts placements
  • access to leading thinkers in the field.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Works collaboratively with wider eco-system and stakeholders to provide a collective voice

Partners with other institutions and agencies to strengthen the sector and share resources. This includes:
  • providing formal and informal policy advice
  • collection sharing platform Kōtuia ngā Kete
  • cross-sector initiatives and joint work-plans and partnerships.