Surreal activity: Remix a favourite artwork
Cut up and rearrange a picture to make a new mind-bending artwork.
An example of cubomania, 2021. Te Papa
Raymond McIntyre, Edward McKnight Kauffer, about 1915, oil on panel. Gift of the estate of C. Millan Thompson to mark the occasion of the retirement of the director, S.B. Maclennan, 1968. Te Papa (1968-0002-22)
For this activity, you’ll need:
magazine or copies of images from Collections Online
a blank sheet of paper
Step 1: Chose an image
Choose your image from a magazine or Collections Online.
Step 2: Divide your image into squares or rectangles
Fold your image in half. Then fold it in half again and again until it’s divided into many small squares or rectangles.
Step 3: Cut up the image
Cut along the folded lines and make a pile of squares or rectangles.
Step 4: Put the pieces back together
Choose a new and inventive way to put the squares or rectangles back together.
Step 5: Glue down your artwork
Glue the squares or rectangles down in their new order on the blank sheet of paper.
This activity has been adapted from the free-to-download surreal activities teaching resource