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Regional / Local MeetingsHui ā-rohe: Regional meetings

Regional meetings provide a valuable repatriation discussion forum.


Hui ā-rohe and wānanga are an important part of our repatriation programme. They provide a forum for iwi to discuss issues regarding repatriation, with Te Papa and with each other. At these hui we gather feedback in order to provide further support to iwi.

There are three kaupapa whakaheaere for hui ā-rohe.

  1. Facilitate discussion to find appropriate final resting places for with kōiwi tangata Māori with unclear iwi or regional provenance.

  2. Provide an overview of the Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme and updates on recent activity.

  3. Seek views regarding the continuation of the repatriation programme.

Karanga Aotearoa repatriation programme background document (136.63 KB)

Past hui ā-rohe

Below are the dates for each hui ā-rohe and their locations.

Te Tau Ihu o te Waka

Omaka Marae, Blenheim, 30 Nov 2012

Te Tauihu Hui-ā-Rohe Report – Omaka Marae (313.12 KB)

Te Tau Ihu o te Waka

Whakatū Marae, Nelson, 29 Nov 2012

Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Waitetoko Marae, 13–14 Oct 2012

Ngāti Tūwharetoa Hui-ā-rohe Report (274.23 KB)

Te Tai Hauāuru

Rātana Pā, 13 August 2011

Te Tai Hauāuru Hui ā-rohe Report (234.45 KB)

Mataatua (Waiariki)

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Whakatāne, 7 Jun 2011

Mataatua Waiariki Hui ā-rohe Report (301.37 KB)

Te Tairāwhiti

Toihoukura – Tairawhiti Polytechnic, Gisborne, 19 May 2010

Te Tairāwhiti Hui ā-rohe Report (263.90 KB)

Ngāi Tahu

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Head Office, Christchurch, 14 Apr 2010

Ngai Tahu Hui-ā-rohe Report (240.71 KB)