Accessibility information for Te Taiao | Nature
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Accessibility information by exhibition and lounge areas
All of Te Taiao | Nature is wheelchair accessible and has subtitles on videos.
Te Ika Whenua | Unique NZ
Enclosed entry, opens to large space with high ceiling
Sounds of nature, some sudden noises
Tactile exhibition, opportunities to touch and smell
Small nook with seating
Variable lighting
Whakarūaumoko | Active Land
Dark space with large-scale volcano animation
Bass-frequency sound
Quake House with realistic shaking
Seating near exit for relaxing and watching video
Lots of hands-on interactives
Floor in front of the Rock Recipe interactive vibrates when visitors activate a volcano video
Rock Recipe interactive on the right, 2019. Photo by Maarten Holl. Te Papa (136382)
Ngā Kaitiaki | Guardians
Variable lighting
Tactile exhibition, opportunities to touch and smell
One sudden sound from pig in the pests area
One large, immersive digital experience
Te Kōhanga | Nest
Dark, enclosed space with birdsong soundscape
Bench for resting
Bird sounds
Te Kōhanga | Nest, 2019. Photo by Maarten Holl. Te Papa
Te Whare Rākau | Treehouse (lounge)
Natural light, view over Bush City
No soundscape, but some sound spill from nearby volcano animation
Books to browse
Access to toilets and Bush City outdoors (until 5pm)
Lots of seating
Nook with cushions to crawl into
Te Papa Hui | Backyard (lounge)
Wheelchair accessible
Quiet, family-friendly space with natural light
No soundscape
Moveable furniture – build your own nook!
Backyard | Te Papa Hui, 2019. Te Papa