On this page:
Licence fees
Access fees
Research fees
Commissioned photography
Licence fees
Licence fees apply for the use of Te Papa images for commercial or publication purposes, online use, or public display and exhibition use. Licence fees are charged in addition to any applicable access fees or research fees.
Please note the prices below are estimations only and may differ depending on varying levels of administrative and legal clearances required. Please reach out to MediaSalesandLicensing@tepapa.govt.nz with any inquiries and a tailored quote will be provided to cover your specific order.
Description | Single Territory Rates |
Worldwide Rates |
Internal page of a publication (fee inclusive of both print and e-rights) | $180.00
excluding GST | $340.00
excluding GST |
Publication covers/jackets (fee inclusive of both print and e-rights) |
$280.00 |
$540.00 |
Public display or exhibition |
$380.00 | $560.00
excluding GST |
Use of image in a commercial television production |
$440.00 |
$660.00 |
Use of the image on calendars, postcards, greeting cards etc |
$240.00 |
$480.00 |
Description |
Noncommercial website use |
Commercial website use |
Display of image on a website | $85.00
excluding GST |
$185.00 |
Licence fees are not charged for the use of Te Papa images for private study and research purposes, however a nominal access fee will apply to cover the administration costs of the request.
Subject to copyright approval, students are permitted to include Te Papa images in the submission copy of their thesis or assessment work. Student work that is to be uploaded online, or to a University thesis archive, will require the student to obtain a licence for non-commercial online use. Any publication of student work will also require a licence to be obtained.
If students wish to avoid licensing fees, we recommend that images be removed from online copies and replaced with a link to the respective Collections Online page for the image.
If your proposed use is not covered in the tables above, please contact Te Papa Picture Library:
Access fees
Where staff members are required to manually administer an image request, an access fee will be charged to recover the cost of the staff time spent on the request.
Please see the table below for our current list of access fees:
Description |
Rate |
Digitisation of original glass negative (includes one high resolution copy of the image via file delivery portal) |
$50.00 excluding GST |
Imaging of collection objects (includes one high resolution copy of the image) |
$50.00 excluding GST |
High resolution stamp scan (includes on high resolution copy of the image via file delivery portal) | $100.00 excluding GST |
Research fees
Haven’t been able to find the image you are looking for?
Te Papa Picture Library can research its collection of images on your behalf.
A rate of $50 per hour excluding GST will apply.
Commissioned photography
Te Papa Picture Library can arrange to photograph Te Papa Collection Objects according to your specifications. A $100 excluding GST hourly fee is chargeable. This fee recovers the cost of the imaging team member, Collection Manager, and Picture Library staff member that are required to fulfil your imaging request.