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Contact details

Te Papa Press
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
PO Box 467, Cable Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Phone: +64 (0)4 381 7470
Facebook: @TePapaPress

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Submit a book proposal or manuscript

Te Papa Press is pleased to consider your book proposals and manuscripts.

Please view our catalogue before contacting us, to check if your proposal or manuscript is suitable for Te Papa Press.

When submitting a proposal or manuscript, please include:

  • your manuscript or sample chapters if you have these, on A4 paper with double spacing

  • a cover letter containing the following information:a brief description of your book (including consideration of its target readership and how it differs from any similar or competing titles)a chapter outlinea brief CV indicating your writing experience.

  • a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of your material should we decline to publish it.

Post the above to:

Te Papa Press
PO Box 467, Cable Street
Wellington 6011

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Receipt and response

We’ll acknowledge receipt of your submission as soon as we receive it.

We’ll contact you as soon as we’ve reached a decision, after properly considering the market for your book and your writing. This may take up to three months.