Annual Reports and key documentsTe pūrongo ā-tau me ētahi pepa matua

Read and download Te Papa’s Annual Reports and other key documents.

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992

Te Papa is an autonomous Crown entity that operates under the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992.

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992 establishes our purpose:

Te Papa is a forum for the nation to present, explore, and preserve the heritage of its cultures and knowledge of the natural environment in order to:

  • better understand and treasure the past

  • enrich the present and

  • meet the challenges of the future.

The Act also sets out our functions and operating rules.

Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992 – New Zealand Legislation (474.62 KB)

Statement of Intent

Our Statement of Intent promotes public accountability.

The Statement of Intent reflects:

  • our legal responsibilities and operating framework, including functions and vision

  • our strategic intentions and objectives for the next four years

  • how we will manage our organisational health and capability and improve our performance.

TP Statement of Intent 2023–2027 (3.80 MB)

Previous Statements of Intent

Statement of Performance Expectations

Our Statement of Performance Expectations sets out our planned outputs for each financial year.

The Statement of Performance Expectations sets out:

  • our goals and proposed performance targets for the next year

  • our forecast financial information.

Statement of Performance Expectations 2024/25 (644.76 KB)

Previous Statements of Performance Expectations

Annual Report

Our Annual Report measures our performance against our Statement of Performance Expectations.

The Annual Report presents:

  • statements from management and an overview of the year’s highlights

  • our operating framework, including our concept, corporate principles, and functions

  • information on our governance and accountability

  • our organisational structure

  • our statement of service performance

  • financial statements.

Te Papa Annual Report 2022–23 (8.07 MB)

Acquisitions, commissions, and deaccessions 2017-18 (203.95 KB)

Publications and presentations 2017-18 (779.73 KB)

Previous Annual Reports

Te Papa Board – Meeting minutes

Te Papa’s Board currently has eight members and meets several times each year. The Board decided at their meeting in September 2019 that approved minutes be published on Te Papa’s website.

View minutes from Board meetings

Te Papa Board members

Te Papa Chief Executive and Kaihautū expenses disclosure

CE and Kaihautū Expenses Disclosure Jul 2022–Jun 2023 (114.07 KB)

Previous Chief Executive and Kaihautū expenses disclosures

Briefing to Incoming Minister

Briefing to the Incoming Minister, October 2017 (355.12 KB)

Briefing to the Incoming Minister, November 2014 (923.77 KB)

Official Information Act (OIA) responses

View official information released by Te Papa under the Official Information Act 1982

Public Trust Transparency Statement

This transparency statement explains how we collect, use, and share information gathered about members of the public or other entities (directly or indirectly) in accordance with the Information Gathering Model Standards.

Information Gathering and Public Trust Transparency Statement 2019 (388.55 KB)

Health, safety, and security policy

At the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa we are committed to Safety Always by ensuring the health, safety, security, and wellbeing of all our teams, visitors to our business, and the items and collections that have been placed in our care.

Read our health, safety, and security policy

Child protection policy

The policy articulates Te Papa’s commitment to ensuring the wellbeing and safety of children and young persons and its responsibilities under the Children’s Act 2014.

te_papa_child_protection_policy_jun23.pdf (288.20 KB)

Information release – State Services Commission Inquiry in relation to the use of external security consultants

In Aug 2018, we responded to an inquiry initiated by the State Services Commission into the use of external security consultants by State services agencies. This is our response.

State Services Commission Inquiry in relation to the use of external security consultants (111.75 KB)