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Te iwi Māori me ngā tangata nō IngarangiMāori and the British

Māori and British first met when Captain James Cook visited these shores in 1769. Over the next 70 years contact increased, until the two cultures were linked by complex personal, political, and business relationships.

Learn how relationships between Māori and the British built up and led to the signing of the Treaty in 1840.


I tūtaki tuatahi te Māori me te Pākehā i te ūnga mai a Kāpene Kuki ki konei i te tau 1769. E whitu tekau tau i muri ake ka maha haere aua whakapā, tae noa ki ngā hononga matatini – ā-tangata, ā-tōrangapū, ā-kaipākihi.

Mā tēnei wāhanga ka hurahia e koe ngā mahi me ngā rerekētanga i ahu mai ai te hainatanga o te Tiriti i te tau 1840.


This content was originally written for the Treaty2U website in partnership with National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa and Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o Te Kāwanatanga in 2008, and reviewed in 2020.