Ringa Toi student showcase

He whakaaturanga ā-tau o ētahi ākonga kura tuarua e aronui ana ki te Toi Māori me Ngā Toi a Kiwa kei taumata Tiketike.


An annual showcase of artwork by secondary school students with a focus on toi Māori and Pacific arts at Excellence level.

When | Āhea

Thu 12 Sep - Fri 27 Sep 2024, 10.00am–6.00pm

Where | Ki hea

Rongomaraeroa, the marae, Level 4 

Cost | Te utu

Free event with museum entry

He toi tupu, he toi ora, he toi i ahu mai i Hawaiki.

Tomokia ki te whare o Toi. Ko te whare nei i parua iho ki te muka rāwhiti, ki te neko, ki te kaitaka, ki te pakipaki – hei mātakitaki mō te ao whānui e.

Ko ētahi o ngā taonga Māori he raranga, he whakairo, he uku, he matihiko, he whakaahua hoki. I ia tau ka neke atu i te 80 ngā taonga ka tukuna mai e ngā ākonga puta noa i Aotearoa.

Featuring a range of Māori art forms including raranga, whakairo, uku, mahi-matahiko, and mahi-whakaahua. Each year over 80 artworks are submitted from ākonga around Aotearoa.

Ringa toi is presented by NZQA. 

Mana Kōwhaiwhai:Our Visual Language, Te Wiki 2023. Photo by Jo Moore. Te Papa (235815)