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Wānanga and huiNgā wānanga me ngā hui

Learn how to preserve tribal photographs and documents, or arrange a hui to share and collaborate.

Learn how to preserve iwi photographs and documents, or arrange a hui to share and collaborate.

On this page:

Taonga conservation workshops
Digital photography and paper conservation workshops
Host a workshop
Hui (gatherings)

Taonga conservation wānanga (workshops)

National Services Te Paerangi holds taonga conservation wānanga collaboratively with local iwi throughout New Zealand.

Each wānanga is a two-day, hands-on learning experience tutored by Rangi Te Kawana (Textiles Conservator, Te Papa) and Vicki-Anne Heikell (Paper Conservator, National Preservation Office, Alexander Turnbull Library).


Rangi will assess the taonga you bring to the wānanga, then help you construct unique storage containers for them.

Care of paper taonga

Vicki-Anne will help you learn how to:

  • handle paper taonga safely

  • pack and protect paper taonga

  • construct containers and folders for paper storage.

Vicki-Anne will assess the condition of your paper objects and demonstrate a range of storage techniques.

Passing along the knowledge

After the workshop, you’ll be encouraged to show other iwi members the techniques you’ve learned to preserve taonga for generations to come. Te Papa will continue to work with you to help you share knowledge with other iwi members.

Digital photography and paper conservation workshops

These collaborative workshops were developed in response to iwi who recognised the risks to photographs hanging in wharenui around the country.

Each wānanga is a two-day, hands-on learning experience tutored by Te Papa photographer Maarten Holl.

Copying photographs

On the first day, you’ll learn how to make digital copies of your tīpuna or whānau photographs for archiving and safe storage.


On the second day, you’ll learn how to care for and store documents and photographs for future generations.

Personal photography

You’ll be invited to bring a collection of photographs or documents to use in the workshop, as well as your personal camera should you wish to improve your photography technique.

Host a workshop

Interested in hosting a workshop? Please read the following document, then contact us for further information.

Considerations for iwi tribes wishing to host a workshop (101.50 KB)

We’re interested in hearing your suggestions for new iwi workshops that will support the care of taonga. Contact us to discuss your idea:

Paora Tibble, Manager Iwi Development
Phone: 029 601 0440

Hui (gatherings)

We support and encourage a variety of hui. We work with iwi who wish to bring their people together to kōrero, learn, and share experiences and issues about iwi development and care of taonga.

Examples of past hui

  • Kaitiaki Māori hui – to support professional development for Māori museum workers in their roles

  • Hui with iwi, hapū, and museums – to share information and work collaboratively on the care and management of taonga

  • Taonga hui organised by whānau – to contribute to taonga databases and cultural revitalisation plans

  • Hui about developing taonga and sharing mātauranga

  • Hui related to taonga database development and training opportunities

Support for hui

We’d like to talk with you about supporting your hui. Contact us to discuss your idea.

Paora Tibble, Manager Iwi Development
Phone: 029 601 0440