School Holiday Kids’ ActivitiesNgā Mahi Whai Mā Ngā Tamariki
Free events for tamariki ages 3–12 years and rangatahi teens.
Jump into the fun at Te Papa these school holidays with our activities for little ones and older ones. Children under 14 must be accompanied by adults.
See if your mates are going: Te Papa events on Facebook
Sign up to our school holidays mailing list to be the first to know about what’s on every term.
Visit three karetao-puoro (instruments that are figures too) created by artist James Webster to give karetao a voice by incorporating taonga puoro into their design. Watch the whānau of karetao in action in Tokotū (Rise Up), the story of Ranginui and Papatūānuku.
On now
Wed 5 Jun – mid 2026
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga
Manu Rere Moana
The navigation of the Pacific by waka hourua | double-hulled sailing waka is one of the great achievements of human technology. This exhibition celebrates the mātauranga of celestial navigation that enabled these extraordinary voyages.
On now
Permanent exhibition
Exhibition Ngā whakaaturanga